-Cinebriated Legal Department-


If you are perusing Cinebriated and have found a copyrighted image that belongs to you or those you represent and would like us to remove the infringing material we will be happy to oblige. Now for the legal mumbo jumbo ...

If this is the case, call off the lawyers, we'll just take down the free publicity that you’re getting (We attempt to give out proper credit when available), we’ll say something to the effect in the post and there won’t be much of an issue. Pictures and videos are not worth being sued over. You will need to e-mail a site administrator (see below for contact information).

Due to past hoaxes and false claims, requests in the comments can and will be ignored.


Take down requests must have these items included in them:

– Your contact information, including mailing address and phone number

– The name of the infringing image

– The url address of the copied image (in a clickable fashion please no PDFs.  All PDFs are automatically tagged as spam)

– A statement that you have a good faith belief that the material is not legally posted on Cinebriated.com

– A statement that under penalty of perjury, you are authorized to act for the copyright holder

– Your signature (digital equivalent acceptable)

It would help expedite matters if you linked to a copy of the image on your own servers, where the image is displayed in a professional manner. We here at Cinebriated thank you for you consideration and hope that you realize we are just a few folks that love movies trying to have an open discussion out here on the wild world of webs and no malicious intent is meant.

Contact us at cinebriate@gmail.com for all copyright infringement requests, we will be prompt in our response.