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Ed did it, he actually did it ... Hitchcock Chasers completed!

Fellow Cinebriates, this week marks the end of a journey taken by our intrepid Ed that first began over two years ago.

In his own personal fanatical Quixotic mission Ed took it upon himself to explore the vast library of Alfred Hitchcock's directorial work and while it is not technically a complete collection of the Master of Suspense's full oeuvre it is a singular triumph. Ed has viewed, reviewed, analyzed, mused, waxed poetic and rated a body of work that spans over six decades. He took on the universally loved classics, he sifted through the lesser knowns, hidden gems and even the misteps and came out the other side.

Perhaps Ed will someday feel a compulsion to delve deeper into Hitch's work in other mediums like TV, documentaries or shorts but as of now the final regular entry of Hitchcock Chasers concludes with 1976's Family Plot, if you are fully caught up head right on over here to check that out. Definitely be sure to leave some comments of a congratulatory nature for Ed, he didn't do it for a pat on the back but he for sure as hell earned one.

If you have some catching up to do or haven't yet imbibed in any Hitchcock Chaser goodness here's Ed's personal triumph conveniently catalogued out for you. So get busy drinking:

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