Entries in Drink Tasting (1)


Orange Liquor Tasting

Not long ago, I had a number of friends over to celebrate Orange Liquor month!  "What is Orange Liquor month?" you say?!  “Oh my gracious goodness!” I say!  How did you not know?!

Well Mom, it’s a very personal holiday.  You could call it a Holiday Of One… because I’m pretty sure it’s only me giving it celebratory status.  In keeping with my strategy of doing through The 12 Bottle Bar one chapter a month (so I’m a slow reader…started reading Tom Saywer in the third grade and am still going) I’m gaining a more rounded picture of various spirits, as the authors focus on one type of liquor each chapter.  Having reached orange liquor, I began to learn there was much more too it than just it being the third ingredient in a margarita.  

To speak very generally, you have two different types of orange liquor: those that are brandy based (a la Cognac), and those that are neutral spirit based (a la Vodka).  The former is generally showcasing a much more brown color and boozy smell, while the latter is more specifically orange (orange peel, generally) and clear.  Both are great though in various capacities and with many to choose from.
As I was originally saying, I gathered a number of friends (won’t say any names except for Carey Andrew Amanda Chandima…) together to essentially have an Orange Liquor tasting, which included the *following:

  • Gran Gala
  • Grand Mariner
  • Cointreau
  • Bols Triple Sec
  • Arrow Triple Sec
  • DeKuyper 03
*Canada Dry and 1800 are NOT Orange Liquor examples… but through in a lime and you could have an interesting take on a margarita
What follows are our impressions of all of them as well as what we thought made the best mixer and the best standalone spirit.  At first I had the group start by measuring the following criteria (couldn’t be that hard):
But the evening eventually descended into madness… or at least I forgot to actually make the group follow through with their tasting requirements.  In the end I obtained the following notes, starting from arguable bottom shelf of triple sec and finish:
Arrow Triple Sec
This bright smelling, clear looking liquor could certainly qualify for bottom shelf of the bunch.  The aroma was immediately one of artificiality, and a similar taste with a low alcohol point of 15%.  Believe it or not… I actually enjoyed it.  This had to be in no small part due to the Tang/Sunny D nostalgia factor (seriously).  Andrew did say it smelt better than it tastes… take that with a grain of salt. 
Bols Triple Sec
The WORST of the bunch.  However one has to take into consideration that it has been sitting out for some time, so that may need to be discounted.  The smell was similar to Arrow, just shittier (i.e. more oxidation maybe).  However when we drank, all agreed there was more citrus here, but much less desired than Arrow: orange but not as much flavor, and slightly bitter/sour.  Again… it was an old bottle.
So much better than triple sec!  Smells of orange, but what’s different here is that it is real yet complex, and slightly pungent.  "Tastes like a real orange was allowed to ferment in Natalie Portman's mansion,” said someone (though no one can claim to recall).  Without any brandy and being neutral spirit based, the general consensus is that this might be the best of the category.  Carey said it was “…multilayered and had depth, with a clear smell of essential oils of the peel."
Gran Gala
Heralded as a brandy based liquor from Italy, it certainly smelled like Brandy as opposed to the previous orange liquors, though it jdoesn’t populate right away.  Pretty sweet at first with mainly brandy, but orange too.  What was really surprising was the bitter finish as the rest almost tasted like dessert (Amanda specifically mentioned “Plum Pudding”).  Someone else said that is was “like an old Italian house owned by George Clooney with Robert Redford has a house guest,” (might have been me… and it still makes sense!).
Grand Mariner
Most people are familiar with the name, though I’m not sure many would jump to nominate it as a brandy-based orange liquor.  However they would claim it to be expensive.  Appropriately so?  Possibly based on everyone’s reaction.  The smell was much like Gran Gala before it, but less of the almost sickly sweetness (i.e. less George Clooney).  When it finally touched our collective lips, it was determined unanimously that it was in fact less sweet, and very welcome. The Cognac (still brandy, just arguably more legitimate) comes through exceptionally well without overpowering the desired orange, which itself was appreciated for tasting real.  Cognac flavors surprising came up strong at finish, so it depends if you like that or not.  There is a spicy, almost exotic nature to the whole thing (the label does say "essence of wild tropical oranges”).  Andrew finished our discussion by adding that it was “well rounded” (probably could’ve saved me from typing this whole thing up!).
DeKuyper 03
The final test was a strange find at an Idaho liquor store in Coeur D’Lane of all places.  This bottle stood out with it’s square stature and numerical branding: all that was visible was the number 03.  Upon further research I realized it was DeKuyper, thee of dank liquor fame!  However this was something high quality at a discount to comparable neutral spirit based products (looking at you Monsieur Cointreau).  The first sensation however: stinging! Perhaps this was due to the origin of the oranges being Brazilian?  It is possible orange pith contributes to this, but at the times this was just end-of-tasting speculation.  Some mentioned the smell was consistent with ethanol, but once you tasted everything was orange and wonderful.  Overall many suggested it was similar to Cointreau, but the group was split over which was better.

The group was tired and mixed (in more ways than one) by the end of this trial excersice.  Before I untied them from this activity however, I was able to determine that Bols, Arrow and Gran Gala were not cared for too much.  The bottom shelf triple secs lacked the quality we later enjoyed, while Gran Gala was just too sweet.  Otherwise, they were undecided on what was the ultimate best, but everyone agreed Cointreau and DeKuyper 03 had best potential as versatile mixers in margaritas, or straight.  Grand Mariner would be of equal potential save for the fact that they would prefer it straight over the other two.  
Neat or on rocks: three way tie between Cointreau, DeKuyper 03, and Grand Mariner!
Note: we really didn’t try any mixed with these drinks… will have to work on that
What is your favorite orange liquor?  Favorite orange liquor in a margarita?  A side car? In cereal?  Let me know your experiences/desires!  Thanks Mom!