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The Blog is dead, long live the site!

I am sorry.

That is all can really be said about my absence on the Blog-o-sphere. I really loved the Frankenstein-ian experience of creating something but I am sad to say that for the foreseeable future this blog is on hiatus.

Do not feel said though, friend, because my writing on all kinds of movie techno-gadgetry lives on over at JoBlo.com. For several months now I have been getting paid to do what I gladly did here on Cine-a-tech for free (total sell-out, I know!) , but as school starts back up and a myriad of obligations take up my precious little free time some things had to be neglected.

So as of now Cine-a-tech will go dormant, but I would like to thank all of you who read, followed and the few that commented on my humble blog. It was a valuable learning experience that re-affirmed my love for movies and landed me a part-time gig. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me feel free to stop by The Digital Dorm section of JoBlo.com where I post at least a couple of news articles every weekday as well as handle some feature columns.

Thank you all again., maybe someday in the future Cine-a-tech will rise again.

Until then just keep enjoying the films that make you happy and maybe discover some new ones on the way. Happy travels, it is time for me to hit that dusty old trail ...

Yours in cinephilia,

Jake Riley

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