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Transformers, more than meets the eye. Transformers, 3D glasses in disguise ...

I don't know how to describe how I feel about these Transformers masks/3D glasses ... part of me (the nerdy, inner child part) is more than willing to dish out the $10, but the other part of me is still angry about the whole 3D thing.

For the upcoming 3D release of Transformers: Dark of the Moon Real-D, the leading purveyor of movie theater 3D tech, and Hasbro Toys has teamed up to develop yet another way to get your hard earned money. Dubbed a "Cine-mask" the Transformersthemed headgear comes with built in lenses that will work for all Real-D 3D movies. At only 10 bucks I would question the quality of the lenses, but hey, it's for the kids and not us filmsnobs ...

Yeah, who am I kidding? The first time I see one of these I am picking up and telling the nice cashier at Wal*Mart "No need to bag it, I'll be wearing this out". The real question is do I go with Optimus Prime or Bumblebee?

Yeah, yeah, we all know 3D movies are a cheap gimmick but I don't see them going anywhere anytime soon. That said what other 3D movies do you think they should make "Cine-masks" for?

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