Captain America (Not that one, only the lame 1990 version) gets an extended director's cut Blu-ray this May

Chris Evans this ain't!
I thought I had blocked this out of my memory permanently, the 1990 Captain America movie was a travesty and probably doesn't deserve your time and is in no way related to the upcoming Captain America: First Avenger coming out this Summer.
If this is your first time hearing about a 1990 Captain America movie I both envy you and suggest just heading over here to rewatch the new 2011 Captain America trailer and continue your life in blissful ignorance, for the rest of you continue at your own risk.
Ok, first off what makes this version of the Cap so bad?
Oh, so many things. For starters the acting is just painful to watch and the production value was almost nonexistant. The Cap had a corny as all hell costume, although you could argue they were accurate to the source material (Probably the only thing that was) and they seriously bastardized some of the Captain America mythos, but none of these things were the worst part. The thing that confuses me the most about the 1990 Captain America is how epic of a failure this was considering it actually had a decent cast, including Ned Beatty and Ronny Cox.
Seriously, only watch this soul-crushing movie trailer if you want to risk ruining any hope or love for Captain America as a character:
If you watched that trailer I apologize from the bottom of my soul.
But before you assume it is a blatant cashgrab (It probably is, but don't make an ass out of you and me) it is worth noting that this will be a new director's cut of the film with about 30 extra minutes and a completely new soundtrack. And to be fair Director Albert Pyun has been known to revisit his films that were screwed around with by producers and rework them into something much more tolerable, or even good (Like 1989's Cyborg with Jean-Claude Van Damme). He is kind of like a Bizarro-George Lucas.
Pyun said this new cut of Captain America will be "more character-oriented and less super hero action" and is due out on Blu-ray sometime this May.
I highly doubt he can make it any worse, so more power to him.
No specific release date, artwork or word on special features yet but we'll try to keep you updated.
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