Roger Corman's Cult Classic Battle Beyond the Stars coming this July

If you aren't familiar with the name Roger Corman you must have been living under a rock your whole life, a large dark and boobless rock.
One of his classic flicks from way back in 1980, Battle Beyond the Stars, is actually a blatant rip-off of The Magnificent Seven (Hell, Robert Vaughn even reprises his role!) which in turn is a rip off of Kurosawa's Seven Samurai and then he throws in a bit of Star Wars for good measure. Sounds like the greatest movie ever made, right? It very well could be!
I really would have loved to be in the planning stage of this movie as it had to go something like this:
"Ok guys, I have this brilliant idea of seven cowboy samurai in space!"
"Umm ... Mr. Corman that sounds an awful lot li-"
"Shut up and get me more strippers and blow!"
This is the result of that historic discussion:
If you haven't had the privilege to seet Battle Beyond the Stars you are missing out, this space Western has it all. Space battles, laser gun shootouts, green blood and a ship shaped like a giant pair of boobs. Yup, this is one for the record books, my friends, and it is coming to DVD and Blu-ray July 12th.
There is no word yet on special features but a previous DVD release did feature commentary tracks, productions stills and trailers so it would probably be safe to assume those will pop up again.
Bonus: Battle Beyond the Stars also features composer James Horner's first official score, and it is pretty awesome!
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