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Status Joe v. Citizen Kane

Recently watched this masterpiece and it was amazing. I was so nervous and anxiety ridden since it’s regarded as the top or recently, second from the top film of all-time. What if I didn’t get it? What if I hated it? What if I yawned? Oh, deary me, what would I have done? Pretended to like it, do my best fake orgasm whenever it’s mentioned? Use more question marks?

As you can see, I was trepid going up to it, but I watched it and loved it. My god, what a masterpiece! Beautifully written.

But I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t find anything wrong with it. I found one thing. One thing I couldn’t get past.

During the scene when Kane’s mother is giving him away to grow up in high society with his vast wealth, she opens the window to call to him. And then never closes it! She leaves it open! Now… let’s look at this more closely. The year Kane’s mother gives him away is 1871. Just after the civil war. Now, mankind has been around for a while, knew how to survive and get by, but in no way did central heating exist in 1871. Especially if it’s the middle of winter in Little Salem, Colorado! I’m pretty sure you huddle up and do your best to survive any and all blizzards. Making it to the spring is a testament to the hard work you went through in the winter just to survive that long! I highly doubt you go about willy nilly taking your precious heat for granted. Maybe she opens the window to yell at him, but how can she not immediately close it as soon as she’s done? Tsk tsk.

And that’s all I have to say about that. 

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