Status Joe v. Highlander

I’ll admit I originally did not want to write about this movie. It’d be a book worth of faults. This is one of the most hilariously bad movies I’ve ever seen in my life. However, as I got closer and closer to the end of the thing, the more I realized how amazing concept is. Therefore, without making fun of it too much or pointing out the bad writing, characters, acting, or overall story—I do believe I have some plot holes that would have this movie a bit more palatable.
Ok—I was going to start out with my chin up, but I can’t write another word until I mention how ridiculous it is that Sean Connery plays a man named Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez, and I’ll admit, decent mustachioed appearance, but with a perfect Scottish accent. While in the highlands of Scotland! At one point I thought they were going to make his character deeper, when he quips that he was Egyptian, perhaps alluding to him maybe being from Scotland, and being that he is such an old immortal, that he now no longer has a homeland. We find out later that Connor MacLeod goes through many name changes of his own, becoming “Nash” in the present version of events. I can’t in good faith fully buy into Connery’s character doing that, because the Kurgan refers to him as “Ramirez” before he cuts him. In a “nice to see you old friend” kind-of-way… what the fuck, Hollywood? Just let Connery do whatever he wants.
Back to some of the main points.
When the Kurgan kills Ramirez, he claims how much he wants MacLeod, and after having his way with his wife, he bolts and we get no sense that the two ever saw each other again until 1986 when he comes out of nowhere to try and kill “Nash.” How can you go so long without finding someone?
Later, in the church, MacLeod comments of the neck wound that Ramirez gave the Kurgan, how did he know it was Ramirez? He never saw the Kurgan after that until the present day encounter, and his wife never told him about it, we presume. How?!
Towards the end of the movie, we see a newspaper headline that reads, “Headhunter 3, Police 0,” but up until that point, the present day had only seen the opening scene of MacLeod ending that suit guys immortality, and the Kurgan killing the black dude. Ball dropped.
I could come up with more, but that would involve watching the movie again, not until I’m drunk. See you next week with “Highlander 2.”
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