Entries in Reviews (2)


Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011)

PSYCH! This is actually a remake of Home Alone 2!

Directed by: Stephen Daldry

Screenplay by: Eric Roth

Based on the novel by: Jonathan Safran Foer 

Players: Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, Thomas Horn

Setup: A unique young boy sets out to discover what he believes to be a quest from his father a year after his death on 9/11. 

Review: One can't avoid the oncoming fear of overtly developed sentimentality with a plot like this, especially with its release timing last year (December = Oscar Bait), the marketing, and general word of mouth.  As I was generally open to the film but not completely eager to see it, a fairly positive review from a family member (no names mentioned here, but she did give birth to me) was encouraging.  My chance came when a friend and I wanted to ditch the streaming and actually rent a new release (this one isn' so new, but it worked out).  To answer the question that's the big ass elephant in the room, "Did I cry?", it would be almost.

First off, it should go without saying that shedding tears during a film is far from a bad thing; I actually welcome the opportunity.  It just waxes negative with me when one is manipulated into doing so, whether it be overly dramatic and with otherwise inappropriate music, or with sappy dialogue and shoddily false performances.  With ELAIC, even though I appreciated the film overall, this factor unfortunately occurs more so than not and sadly detracts from the quality, which otherwise is fairly high when not speaking about the lead performance...

To be completely honest, I am still going back and forth on Thomas Horn (playing the the lead Oskar Schell). As a character, I cannot deny that he felt fairly fleshed out and developed, probably largely due to the detailed script/novel.  However while Horn must be attributed with slight success in this regard, I can't deny there are many moments where he appears to simply be restating lines straight from the script (albeit emotionally). Just as well, whether it be the actor or the character being the reason for these traits, I can't help but find him extremely annoying.  His mannerisms and quirks have their entertaining moments, but unfortunately in small doses.  While this is not the end all be all of the film, I can't help but find disfavor in these factors (arguably due to my own temporary misanthropic state).

He'll always be Brewmeister Smith to me

Truthfully, all other aspects of the film are generally met with positive feelings by this curmudgeon, especially when it comes to other performances.  Max Von Sydow (playing a mysterious mute renter of Schnell's Grandmother's apartment) always rules, but performs beyond expectations in an effective and reserved role without one line (haven't seen Christopher Plummer's performance for which he netted the Best Supporting Actor Academy Award, but I call foul on Max losing out).  John Goodman, Jeffery Wright, and Viola Davis all bring effective supporting talent to the table, while Sandra Bullock plays Schnell's mother with believable emotion.  All do their best with the script, which overall is a moving and interesting story also dealing with the tragic baggage of the September 11th attacks.  However, whether it be based on written word or on direction by Daldry, some dialogue regarding "The Worst Day" (as its appropriately referred to in the film) definitely feels forced.

With high production values and fantastic cinematography, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close effectively represents the crux of the film based on Oskar Schnell's journey; its mostly a drama bringing people closer together, all thanks to a loud and generally annoying kid.  

Tidbit: Thomas Horn was on Jeopardy, and was brought it to audition based on the type of character he showed on the program.  Me thinks one should not necessarily cast someone because they act like the film character in real life.  

Drink of Choice: This doesn't feel like a film appropriate for a heavy drink.  Therefore I suggest a light, chilled white wine such as the 2010 JB Atkinson Sauvignon Blanc.  American made (from Napa Valley), it will relax and put you at ease, possibly also accentuating emotions of happiness/sadness based on where you are with the film (if watching). 

Just make sure the blabbering kids are asleep to avoid feelings of accentuated frustration.


The Lawnmower Man (1992)

Virtual reality is the future, but buyer beware!  VR will be man's saving grace, bestowing piece and prosperity throughout the world.  At the same time however, while it delivers happiness to kids with abusive fathers, it can also turn dumbasses into psychotic geniuses!  And that's not all; just when you thought all they can do is mow a lawn, now they can control the lawn mower AND your mind!  Get virtual reality TODAY!

This pitch was obviously not the intention of the filmmakers, but I still summarized as much from the odd Sci-Fi flick.  Lauded for having effects beyond its time (?), The Lawnmower Man is a mostly nonsensical but decently entertaining follow-up to the revolution that was Terminator 2.  It packs similar music, a unique fantasy concept, new (albeit wannabe) visuals, and to the best of its ability emulates the same cold and blue design, and character archetypes including obsessed scientists and unreliable kids.  Others may notice a bit of Cronenberg here, with obsessions becoming perversions and biological horror running amok.  

What this flick really intends to do is provide a showcase for it's "exemplary" special effects.  Now this film is 20 years old, right when CGI was beginning to rear its beautiful/despicable little head, but the visuals do not assist in keeping one engaged and grounded in this ridiculous story. 

All this aside, I couldn't help but be slightly entertained by this film.  The bizarre and unique plot took me by surprise, even with the clear crutch holding on other films and filmmakers.  Jeff Fahey and Pierce Brosnan deliver somewhere between conscious fun and unconscious seriousness, but nonetheless give engaging performances, with the former truly surprising as a developmentally disabled gardener whom Brosnan's doctor takes pity on, leading to his using virtual reality to learn (it’s the FUTURE).  While the visuals are weak, they are unique as well; I don't think I've ever seen the like in a film before (though maybe in an early 2000's kid show...) 

Initially I expected to forget this film quickly, yet here I am still thinking about it days later.  While The Lawnmower Man could be worthwhile for genre fans, it's certainly nothing to miss an episode of Breaking Bad over.  


Tidbit:  Produced on a budget of $6,000,000 (see "exemplary" special effects), with reported returns of $200,000,000 worldwide... now I know why there's a sequel. 

Drink of Choice:  Virtual Reality; what else?! Mix 1 1/3oz Gin, 2/3oz Calvados, 1/3oz Grenadine, and 1/3oz Lemon Juice, drink, and watch the VR bees fly!

Or you could just mix some Vodka with blue food coloring; just like this movie, kinda looks cool, but is it?