So Ed and his liver have been busy ... introducing Drink Battle!
Yeah, this is about as active as a dormant volcano these days with a slight burps and rumblings every now and then but life and stuff, y'know? Although if you've been paying attention to our Twitter feed or Facebook page you'll have noticed our ever intrepid (read: inebriated) Ed has been keeping active with a newish ongoing column over at our Ministry of Mixology.
It's called Drink Battle and it's awesome.
This is how it works; Ed has a category of liquor and he then decides to choose two worthy champions of said booze to go head to head in a battle royale. It's not like Ed needs an excuse to abuse his liver but you should totally head over and check out the first few entries of Drink Battle. Feel free to participate in the battles and choose your own victors, just be sure to tell Ed how wrong he is in the comments so he'll drink (and hopefully write) more to cope with your valuable criticism.
Oh, be sure also wish him a happy birthday while you're at it!